The Inspection

You’re looking for a new space for your company and you’ve determined you’re going to buy an existing building. Now comes one of the most important steps—the inspection.

Just like the inspection done on your home, the inspection or property condition report is essential to make sure the systems and bones of the building are in good working order. Some of the buildings we looked at prior to finding our new space had serious issues, and many of those properties had flat roofs. One of our trusted advisors told us there are two kinds of flat roofs: ones that leak, and ones that will.

Also, you want to make sure the shingles are in good shape if present, which means no mold, no evidence of water damage in the basements, and everything else you’d be concerned with in a house.

 The inspection will be costly, but it could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses when it comes time to make the purchase. We got lucky with our new building. It was built about 15 years ago and it’s all brick, very solid, well taken care of, and the systems are virtually brand new.

Be sure to take some time, hire a good inspector who is willing to spend the time getting to know your building, taking plenty of pictures, and using their skills to make sure you’re getting a good deal on a great building.

As always, if you have any questions about the building buying process, shoot us an email at chris@stokesherzog.comor call us at 715.450.4990.

Stokes Herzog Realty LLC is Eau Claire, Wisconsin’s commercial real estate brokerage firm. Our team of professionals represent tenants, landlords, buyers and sellers in every facet of commercial real estate. Throughout the State of Wisconsin, Stokes Herzog Realty LLC specializes in tenant representation, property acquisition, surplus disposition, leasing services and investment sales. We look forward to working with you

chris herzog